Large scale graphics for the exhibition »Unreliable Biographer’s«, Vincent Van Gogh Huis

Saskia Olde Wolbers, Fraser Muggeridge studio

The exhibition »Unreliable Biographers« by Saskia Olde Wolbers features a wall dedicated to pieces and articles revolving around Van Gogh’s life in Brixton, where he lived for one year in 1873. Saskia Olde Wolbers collected articles, wallpaper pieces and remainings of this house and together with Fraser Muggerdige studio we created a large scale graphic that imitates a collage of these pieces.

Saskia Olde Wolbers: Unreliable Biographers
Vincent van Gogh Huis, Zundert, Netherlands
16. September – 26. December 2023

Photos by Saskia Olde Wolbers.


Fraser Muggeridge studio
September 2023

Large scale graphics for the exhibition »Unreliable Biographer’s«, Vincent Van Gogh Huis

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